
Make sure to have Python in correct version - to verify minimum Python version check GetFx package details (look for Requires meta section).

You need to install Python to use GetFX tool. Required packages: pip and setuptools should be installed together as part of the Python bundle.

MacOS and Linux

Install GetFX using pip:

$ pip install getfx
# or
$ python3 -m pip install getfx

Install from source

Before installation from source make sure you have installed make in your operating system

# For Debian/Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install make

# For MacOS
$ brew install make

# Or if you need more developer tools for MacOS
$ xcode-select --install

Then proceed with downloading repository and building GetFX package from the source:

# Download the repository
$ git clone

# Install dependencies, build and run tests
$ make all

# Execute locally build python package (display help)
$ getfx -h

Note that above is not sufficient for setting-up development environment as the source Makefile requires pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv. How to set development environment see


After you install Python it is recommended to add C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\Scripts folder to system PATH. This is the most convenient way if you are using PyPI.

C:\> pip install getfx

Or if above does not work (i.e. Scripts folder not added to system PATH:

C:\> py -m pip getfx



If your computer is behind a proxy best if you follow provided instructions: How to use Pip behind a proxy. This should resolve problems of running pip or getfx command if your computer is behind a proxy.

Shell integration

In order to verify how GetFX is integrated with shell - i.e. where GetFX binary resides use where command (for Windows):

C:\> where getfx

or which command (for MacOS/Linux):

# Below is case for GetFX installed in PyEnv virtual environment shim
$ which getfx